Synergy Group Financial Planning
Allianz Malaysia Berhad (“AMB”) is part of Allianz Group in Germany. Allianz Group was founded in 1890 in Germany. With approximately 147,000 employees worldwide, the Allianz Group serves more than 100 million customers in about 70 countries*. Allianz officially stepped foot in Malaysia in 2001 when it became the controlling shareholder of Allianz General Insurance…
Read More汆悦麻辣烫 Cuan Yue Malatang
简介: 汆悦麻辣烫品牌创立于 2016 年,拥有行业领先的产品研发能力、成熟的餐饮连锁合作管理经验、完善健全的加盟商培训系统和专业的品牌推广与运营团队,致力于传承中华传统美食文化,打造高品质、高标准、高格调的健康型麻辣烫。 发展历程: 2016年 – 汆悦麻辣烫品牌诞生,第一家门店问世,标准化战略正式启动,门店数量突破100+ 2017年 – 获得HACCP体系国际认证,进驻澳大利亚,迈向海外市场,门店数量突破200+ 2018年 – 启动全球化发展战略,布局新加坡、马来西亚等海外市场,门店数量突破300+ 2019年 – 汆悦麻辣烫上海公司—兆 堃餐饮文化(上海)中心成立,品牌版图向南推进,为全球化战略夯实基础 2020年 – 深化品牌安全管理体系,构筑全链条食品安全防线,夯实团队基础,打造精英团队,全方位助力加盟商发展 2021年 – 全新升级,品牌标识体系、文化内涵、视觉形象全面焕新,门店数量突破600+ 2023年 – 夯实服务理念,提升服务质效,以更优服务赋能加盟商高质量发展,门店数量突破700+ 2024年 – 全新合作模式,为加盟商伙伴带来更广阔的利润空间和成长空间,共谋发展,共赢末来! 全球3000+合作伙伴 全球800+门店,马来西亚已有9家(柔佛&砂拉越) 中国20省商业版图
Genius Baby Childcare Centre is a preschool beyond academics. Our kids learn beyond classroom walls. We offer a comprehensive curriculum that aims at your child’s development through cultivating critical thinking, essential skills and creative expression. Genius Baby Childcare Centre believes in a balanced approach, a way of teaching and learning whereby many areas of curriculum…
Read MoreSimple Life Healthy Vegetarian Restaurant
Simple Life Healthy Vegetarian Restaurants are for from the usual vegetarian restaurants, we are lively, young trendy vibe and are inviting, with friendly service and top-notch vegetarian food. Eschewing the use of mock meat which is mainly made of gluten, Simple Life serves up food that is natural and healthy. Only organic or natural produce…
Read MoreAmbon Boenda Indonesia Layer Cake
Ambon Boenda’s Dutch layer cakes are the most talked about artisanal layer cake in town. In 2006, Ambon Boenda’s layer cake from Dutch quietly came into the market. Ambon Bonda’s layer cakes swiftly captured the hearts of the people. Online sales boomed and led to Ambon Bonda’s first outlet being established in 2016. Fresh, authentic…
Read MoreYHS Agency
For J Group, it was formed in 2003 by Jennifer Yap with a dream to help others. In 2019, J Group charted greater milestones champion direct agency nationwide & consecutive 10 Million Dollar Agency for the past 7 years since 2016. We have observed nothing short of growth and integrity thus far, as shown from…
Read MoreMuozza Pizza
Muozza Pizza™️ 我们拥有生产速冻披萨的中央厨房 主打路边披萨摊和店中店披萨档口生意模式 我们的项目主要针对马来快餐市场 我们的披萨特点在于本土化口味,价格亲民中下市场,口味和口感绝佳 我们正在招募投资者和业主的合作 Muozza Pizza™️ We are Frozen Pizza Central Kitchen Licensing Pizza Stall, Pizza Kiosk Products Production focus Fast Food Malay market Pizza: Local, Best Price, Taste Pizza Investors and owners are being recruited
Ayam Penyet Best Station Franchise Program Open your Ayam Penyet Best Station at your desired location! Kiosk Package: 100-300 +/- sqft Shop Lot Package: 800-1000 +/- sqft
Read MoreJom Dim Sum
Jom Dim Sum is subsidiary brand owned by Team Some Sdn Bhd manufacturing pau & dim sum halal and also certified ISO22000 & HACCP & MESTI & GMP .
Read MoreSmart Rental Agency Program
This is a Computer Subscription Plarform. With a low monthly subscription fees, customer will get a laptop with *FULL warranty, FREE service and FREE maintenance* We have 3 ways to onboard our business, agency program, SR Express Program and also our 3s Franchise Store
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