Authentic Chinese Chuan Chuan Hot Pot Restaurant @ Johor Bahru (3 floor shop lot)
Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: Authentic Chinese Chuan Chuan Hot Pot Restaurant @ Johor Bahru (3 floor shop lot)
- Company Entity Sdn Bhd
- Industry Category Food & Beverages
- Asking Price RM 450,000
- Strength & Weaknesses - Strategic location, business located in Mount Austin, a popular and well-known eating place among the local and tourist in Johor Bahru, high population and good traffic crowd. - Good renovation and environment. (All are still in Tip Top condition.) - Selling included all types of equipment, furniture and tableware. - All-new system and facilities included lift. - Fully equipped with nice renovation, ready to operate immediately. - Offer including the everything approximate a total worth of RM 1,800,000. - Training and coaching can be provided to the new owner.
- Reason of Selling Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, owner oversea couldn’t return, big loss let go.
– An authentic Chinese Chuan Chuan Hotpot business in Johor Bahru, Johor.
– Business just newly establish since 2020. (Only operated 2 weeks, all business assets and renovation are still in tip top condition.)
– Asking price including the brand and all assets.
– Shop lot size is approximate 22 x 70 sq. ft. for each floor. (total have 3 floors shop lot: Ground and 1st floor are operating zone while 2nd floor is hostel.)
– Total rental per month is RM 8,500 for all 3 floors.
– Tenancy agreement period is 8 years. (Negotiable with landlord.)
– Customer average spending is approximate at RM 70 per customer.
– Selling prices included branding transfer, royalties fee is 2 – 3% exclude deposit.
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49-02, Jalan Austin Heights 8/3, Taman Mount Austin