Beauty Spa 美容店 @ Taman OUG
Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: Beauty Spa 美容店 @ Taman OUG
- Company Entity Sdn Bhd
- Industry Category Beauty & Spa, Hair
- Asking Price RM 25,000
- Strength & Weaknesses -Renovation, air-conditioning, beauty equipment, furniture, Alam, cctv, etc. spent total worth RM100,000, 70% brand new -Located at the ground floor of the apartment, in a crowded area. There are 99 speedmart, 7-11, mini market, 24 hour mamak stall, Chinese stall, Vietnamese restaurant, hair salon, washing machine shop, car wash shop, etc. nearby -1 living room, 1 beauty room, 1 rest room, can accommodate up to 12 customers -Rental: RM3,000 -Training will be provided to new shop owner -Average customer spending: RM 100+ -Have a stable customer base -Complete equipment will be provided to the new owner - 装修,冷气,美容仪器,榢私,Alam, cctv等大约花了RM100,000左右, 70%全新 - 座落公寓的底层,人潮多的地区,附近有 99speedmart, 7-11,mini market, 24小时嘛嘛档,华人档,越南餐,头发店,洗衣机店,洗车店等等 - 1个客厅,1个美容房,1个休息间,最高可容纳12位客户左右 - 租金:RM3,000 - 会提供培训给新店主 - 顾客平均消费: RM 100+ - 拥有稳定的顾客群 - 完善的设备将会提供给新店主
- Reason of Selling No time to manage 没有时间打理
-10 months business operation
-Beauty, manicure, eyelashes and other beauty services
– 营业10个月
– 美容,美甲,眼睫毛等美容服务
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C3-0-19, Jln 1/152 Taman OUG Parklane off, jalan klang lama