Capsule Hotel (bed supplier)
Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: Capsule Hotel (bed supplier)
- Company Entity Not Classified
- Industry Category Hotel & Accomodation
- Asking Price RM 400,000
- Strength & Weaknesses - Acquire us and start up a hotel business at lower cost and lower risk - Reduce operating cost as in the cost needed in recruiting manpower, renovation cost, maintenance cost, electrical cost & etc - Recycle and rebrand the current business model and save the investment time on starting a business from scratch - A proven huge market - Sales package inclusive of all capsule beds in the house (30-40 beds)
- Reason of Selling We discuss more when meet up
We are the capsule bed supplier and management in Malaysia who can help you to set up the hotel, system software , product installation, renovation and etc..
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Jalan PJU 5/1,Kota Damansara