CSE Mobile Services
Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: CSE Mobile Services
- Company Entity Proprietorship
- Industry Category Automotive
- Asking Price RM 55,000
- Strength & Weaknesses - Business operates for 20 years with long-term customer and corporate customer profile ready - Skilled workers with more than 10 years experience - Opportunity in niche market with high return per successful order - Located in high traffic commercial area - Nearby banks, Starbucks, Starling Mall and many other famous restaurant
- Reason of Selling Owner pass away
Providing various services such as:
– Installing car audio system, car alarm, keys, camera, GPS and many other accessories
– Servicing car
– Tinting
– Replacing windscreen
– Simple car repair
– Welcab (detachable vehicle wheelchair)
Company website: https://connectbiz.minnts.com/listing/cse-mobile-services/
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Jalan SS 21/60, Damansara Utama