- Company Entity Partnership
- Industry Category Food & Beverages
- Franchise Fee RM 45,652
- Strength & Weaknesses ✅ Unique and Innovative products, as well as very interesting ✅ Varied menu and easily accepted by the community ✅ The target market is wide, starting from children, teenagers, adults, to the elderly ✅ Affordable partnership fees with premium products ✅ Minimal competitors ✅ No Royalty Fee ✅ Produk unik dan Inovatif,serta sangat menarik ✅ Menu Variatif dan mudah diterima masyarakat ✅ Target Market luas,mulai dari anak-anak,remaja,dewasa, hingga orang tua ✅ Biaya kemitraan terjangkau dengan produk premium ✅ Minim pesaing ✅ Tanpa Royaliti Fee
- Reason of Selling Business Expansion Indonesia Brand
Dear Sweet cafe is a sweet food cafe with a funny and unique shape. DS cafe provides various kinds such as mousse, sorbet, ice cream, panna cotta, and cheesecake.
The DS Cafe concept is very popular with many people, from children to the elderly. And because of its non-market concept, DS cafe is the right business idea for those of you who are looking for a unique business concept
Dear Sweet cafe adalah cafe makanan manis dengan bentuk yang lucu dan unik. DS cafe menyediakan berbagai macam seperti mousse, sorbet, ice cream, panna cotta, dan cheesecake.
Konsep DS Cafe sangat diminati oleh banyak kalangan, mulai dari anak2 hingga orang tua. Dan karena konsepnya yang tidak pasaran, DS cafe menjadi ide bisnis yang tepat bagi anda yang mencari konsep bisnis yang unik