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  • Brand Name: ITAEWON K-BOBA
  • Company Entity Partnership
  • Industry Category Food & Beverages
  • Franchise Fee RM 22,000
  • Strength & Weaknesses STRENGTH & OPPORTUNITY: ✅ 1. Millennial Design In determining the selection of a business, it is also necessary to consider the visuals of the brand design. Itaewon Boba comes with a design that suits you. ✅ 2. Easy to Manage Itaewon Boba provides a new innovation that is easy to manage and develop by partners. ✅ 3. Royalty Free Don't worry about paying fees or specific operations, because Itaewon Boba does not charge any fees. ✅ 4. Unique The unique menu with a Korean theme that we created ourselves is a special feature, of course loved by K-Wavers lovers. ✅ 5. Affordable Price Although we use premium raw materials, the price of our products is very affordable, so it can be the choice of all people ✅ 6. K-Pop Community Support Collaboration with the K-Pop community makes Itaewon K-Boba has its own additional target market ✅ 7. Fast Return of Investment There is no denying that the current beverage business is a business that is easy to run with a small level of risk, with large profits. So that you can return the capital quickly. KEKUATAN & PELUANG: ✅ 1. Milenial Design Dalam menentukan pemilihan sebuah usaha, juga perlu dipertimbangkan visual dari desain brand tersebut. Itaewon Boba hadir dengan desain yang cocok untuk anda. ✅ 2. Mudah Dikelola Itaewon Boba memberikan sebuah inovasi baru yang mudah dikelola dan dikembangkan oleh mitra. ✅ 3. Royalty Free Jangan khawatir tentang pembayaran fee atau operasional tertentu, karena Itaewon Boba tidak memungut biaya apapun. ✅ 4. Unik Menu unik dengan tema Korea yang kami ciptakan sendiri menjadi ciri khas tersendiri, tentunya disukai kalangan pencinta K-Wavers. ✅ 5. Harga Terjangkau Walaupun menggunakan Bahan Baku Premium namun harga produk kami sangat terjangkau, sehingga dapat menjadi pilihan semua kalangan tentunya ✅ 6. Dukungan Komunitas K-Pop Kolaborasi dengan komunitas K-Pop membuat Itaewon K-Boba punya tambahan target market tersendiri ✅ 7. Fast Return of Investment Tidak dipungkiri bisnis minuman kekinian adalah bisnis yang mudah dijalankan dengan tingkat resiko yang kecil, dengan keuntungan besar. Sehingga bisa balik modal dengan cepat.
  • Reason of Selling Business Expansion Indonesia Brand

Itaewon K-Boba is The 1st Korean Boba Style in Batam! Kami adalah sebuah brand local dibawah management MEDINA KARIMA JAYA yang berdomisili di Batam, Kepulauan Riau. Visi kami ingin menularkan semangat entreprenuer di kalangan millenial untuk sukses mandiri bersama dan mengembangkan usaha hingga ke Seluruh Indonesia. Go Local Brand!

Oya, kenapa namanya Itaewon, Terinspirasi Drama Korea Itaewon Class dan Itaewon itu sendiri adalah nama kawasan kongkow dan kuliner anak muda di Korea yang hits banget loh! Dan kami memasukan konsep itaewon langsung di Itaewon K-Boba ini.

This modern drink business first opened on November 11, 2020 Iteawon K Boba continues to grow until it has 33 outlets. 1 Mini Café, and 1 Café. Spread across Batam, Jambi, Tanjung Pinang, Karimun- to Singapore.

In a period of less than 1 year, Iteawon K-BOBA succeeded in ruling the market in Batam Indonesia with branches everywhere.

Business continues
The pandemic has not slowed their business development. In the third month of operation, there are already around 25 outlets spread throughout Batam, following the Itaewon K-Boba partnership program. They has had to turn down many incoming requests.

Then, how did iteawon K-Boba as famous as that have an outlet in Singapore and many are interested in joining their partnership program?

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