Lighting shop 灯店
Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: Lighting shop 灯店
- Company Entity Sdn Bhd
- Industry Category Homewares & Furniture
- Asking Price RM 150,000
- Strength & Weaknesses - Total value of equipment, renovation and goods is up to RM300,000 - located at business commercial street - Shop size: 22x75, 3 floors - Rental: RM4000 - Employees will be provided - Average customer spending: roughly RM500 - Training will be provided to new owner - Stable customer base - Supplier and customer data will be provided to the new owner - 设备、装修和货物总值高达RM 300,000 - 位于繁华商业街 - 店面面积:22x75 , 3 层楼 - 租金:RM4,000 - 员工将提供给新店主 - 顾客平均消费:RM500左右 - 员工将提供培训给新店主 - 稳定的顾客群 - 供应商以及客户数据将会提供给新店主
- Reason of Selling Owner going back to own country 店主回祖国
– A retail business selling different type of lights
– 出售各种各样的灯饰
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no 25, Jalan Mutiara 1/11, Taman Mutiara Mas