Lucky Scoot
- Brand Name: Lucky Scoot
- Company Entity Partnership
- Industry Category Entertainment
- Asking Price RM 650,000
- Strength & Weaknesses located in the public accessible park. The park is available for entry almost 24/7. the park would attract a lot of couples and family group to drop by where it is our main targeting audience as well. This area consist a lot of eateries hence it is a crowded place especially weekends and holidays.
- Reason of Selling profitable business, but business owners don't want to operate anymore due to insufficient time to manage the business. no time to visit the shop.
Electric Scooter & Kids Car Rental Business
Extremely successful and variety electric kid cars and scooter rental business located in high visibility park. Situated on a prime of real estate directly across the street from a large and very busy in a fast growing area of Putrajaya. This is where people come to rent and play, it is definitely a niche area and it is going around here so fast we can’t keep up, so much room to expand for the business.
This profitable business generates a year round repeated customers with lots of expansion potential available for a new owner to exploit, all the hard work has been done, the business is easily managed a currently operates with staff, buying quality scooters and rental to the public.
There is the option to add more machines or equipment to rent out during weekends and school holidays, owners just choose not to do it. Another side benefit of this business is if you or anyone you want to let customer trial and buy your products, there is so much effective market strategy for this business.
The seller offers a handover period to help a new owner with the daily running and maintenance of the scooter rental business to ensure a smooth handover and continued growth and success of this great small business. Included in the sale are all furnishings, inventory, office supplies, all rental equipment including signboard. A complete list of assets made available upon request.