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  • Brand Name: NGE DAGGING
  • Company Entity Partnership
  • Industry Category Food & Beverages
  • Franchise Fee RM 46,000
  • Strength & Weaknesses Our advantages: ✅100% Natural Meat (We use raw material 100% meat without veins and fat) ✅ More pros (compared to competitive products with processed beef at an affordable price) It feels better to eat meat than other meat products. ✅ Cheap selling price (compared to competitors) ✅ Seasoning is tastier (Has a 4.9 rating from grab Food ✅ Processing at the store is easier (It only takes 2 minutes to make the product) Kelebihan kami: ✅100% Daging Asli (Kami menggunakan bahan baku 100% daging tanpa urat dan lemak) ✅ Prosi lebih banyak (di banding produk kompetior dengan olahan daging sapi dengan harga terjangkau) Lebih berasa makan daging dibanding olahan daging yang lain. ✅ Harga jual murah (dibanding Competitor) ✅ Bumbu lebih enak (Memiliki rating 4.9 dari grab Food ✅ Pengolahan di store lebih mudah (Hanya membutuhkan waktu 2 menit untuk membuat produk)
  • Reason of Selling franchise express & store

NGEdagging appeared and broke people’s problems by creating beef products with good quality and affordable prices. With this latest trend, NGEdagging serves and packs delicious meat food in an easy way and there is no longer the sentence “Eating meat is expensive”. And NGEdagging is expected to be TOP OF MIND of people IF they want to eat meat.
From Google search data, Olahan Oseng Oseng Sapi and oseng oseng beef are still superior compared to Sei Sapi still superior compared to sei sap for the last 3 months. In the very tight competition at Sei Sapi Market, Ngedagging comes with products that are more sought after and are also more affordable, tastier, and certainly easier from a processing point of view for businessmen so that product standards can be better maintained

NGEdagging muncul dan mendobrak pemasalahan orang dengan menciptakan produk olahan Sapi dengan kualitas baik dan harga terjangkau. Dengan trend terbaru ini,NGEdagging menyajikan dan mengemas makanan daging yang lezat dengan cara yang mudah dan tidak ada lagi kalimat “Makan daging itu mahal”.dan NGEdagging diharapkan bisa menjadi TOP OF MIND orang JIKA ingin makan daging.
Dari data pencarian Google Olahan Oseng Oseng Sapi maupun oseng oseng daging sapi masih lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan Sei Sapi masih unggul dibandingkan dengan sei sap selama 3 bulan terakhir. Di persaingan yang sangat ketat di Market Sei Sapi Ngedagging hadir dengan produk yang lebih banyak di cari dan juga lebih terjangkau,lebih enak, dan sudah pasti lebih mudah dari sudut pandang pengolahan untuk para pembisnis sehingga standart produk bisa lebih terjaga.

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