Agents & Distributors
- Business Name: ONE ERA RESOURCES
- Company Entity Proprietorship
- Industry Category Fashion
- Joining Fee RM 1,000,000
- Strength & Weaknesses CONCEPT HAUS aims to become a single access point between the local fashions and the showcasing on the latest street-wear fashion and style trends in Kuala Lumpur. In other words it serves as a fashion platform, to display the creation of the local street-wear branding. in order to have street cultures concept, we created MULTIPLE APPAREL LABELS, SOLE DISTRICT, SNEAKER CLEANING SERVICE, CAFE SECTION, BARBER, TATTOO, MAKE-UPS & BEAUTY SERVICES. We have the intention to centralist all the street cultures directly in position to the HAUS. STREET CULTURE ARE BETTER THAN EVER.
- Reason of Selling -
CONCEPT HAUS represent the local Malaysia street-wear experience concept store that caters to the local street-wears cultures. Street-wear isn’t just fashion, our core essence will let you see beyond what you see on street cultures. as our name suggests our focus is to provide all local online street-wear apparel and accessories to touch on ground and facilitate to you all. Street-wear are the foundation pillars upon which CONCEPT HAUS stands, this components has underline and evolved to become an essential part of culture.