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  • Brand Name: OPPA CORN DOG
  • Company Entity Sdn Bhd
  • Industry Category Food & Beverages
  • Strength & Weaknesses Why Choose Oppa Corn dog ✅Affordable business & products sold in the market ✅ Profitable business opportunity ✅ Flexible business concept
  • Reason of Selling franchise express

Corndog & Topokki products are usually sold in Korean restaurants or large malls at high prices. Seeing this opportunity, Oppa Corndog is here to build this food brand in a market segment that can be reached by various circles in Indonesia, as well as Oppa Corndog’s products are always innovative and have a variety of Corndogs that are not owned by other similar products that are sold at high prices, and of course we can grow and survive because of innovation and prices that can be reached by all circles.

Oppa Corn Dog previously focused on brand outlets that have more than 60 branches in Indonesia, currently we are developing this business into a booth/grobak in order to be able to reach out to a wide range of consumer demand & enthusiasm, so Oppa Corndog Indonesia held a “Pocha” ” by Oppa Corndog previously only added the sentence pocha which means Booth/Cart as a differentiator. We also have various Franchises that are worth it to be chosen by prospective partners.

Produk Corndog & Topokki biasanya dijual restoran korea atau Mall-Mall besar dengan harga tinggi. Melihat peluang tersebut kami Oppa Corndog hadir membangun Brand makanan ini di segmen pasar yang bisa dijangkau berbagai kalangan di Indonesia,serta produk Oppa Corndog selalu berinovasi dan mempunyai aneka ragam Corndog yang tidak dimiliki produk serupa lainnya yang dijual dengan harga yang tinggi, dan tentunya kami bisa berkembang dan bertahan karena inovasi dan harga yang dapat dijangkau semua kalangan.
Oppa Corn Dog sebelumnya,fokus dengan brand outlet yang telah memiliki lebih dari 60 cabang di Indonesia,saat ini kami mengembangkan ini usaha menjadi booth/grobak agar bisa lebih banyak mengjangkau permintaan konsumen yang luas &antusias,maka dari itu Oppa Corndog Indonesia mengadakan seres “Pocha” by Oppa Corndog sebelumnya hanya penambah kalimat pocha yang berarti Booth/Gerobok sebagai pembedanya.Kami juga memiliki berbagai Franchise yang worth it menjadi pilihan calon mitra.

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