Businesses for Sale
- Brand Name: Preschool
- Company Entity Partnership
- Industry Category Coaching & Training, Education
- Asking Price RM 750,000
- Strength & Weaknesses Strategically located around 7 major development area , this place is definitely a potential area of growth and all the foundation has been set up for this preschool, just running the preschool and improving it will be the focus The strengths are this is the only preschool in the world that has a flight simulator. Besides that the facilities and program set up for this preschool is well organised and equipped Opportunities will be bringing up the name and opening up more preschool in Klang valley eventually to the rest of Malaysia We have currently 4 teachers and 30 students in the preschool
- Reason of Selling Venturing into a new business idea
Smart Vision Kids is an extravaganza peschool located in Sg Buloh. We occupy 3 stories of the shop lot which facility includes a library, computer lab, a flight simulator , 5 classroom with Smart TV , child friendly toilet , an exclusive play area. Our programs includes brain development program and English medium syllabus